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Are you a Young Person and Aspiring Entrepreneur Looking to Start Your Own Business?


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Have you always wanted to start your own business, but just don't know where to start or how to begin?

Hear from Young Entrepreneur, Leader of Youth Empowerment and Current Year 12 Student Kiana Mei to turn your dreams into reality and start your entrepreneurial journey at a young age, just as she did. 

How it Works 

Introducing our business coaching and mentoring services tailored for current highschool students who are wanting to get started in the business world. 

Kiana will be providing you with the skills and steps to starting out and launching your business idea into a public space, and providing tips and advice to managing this whilst still studying and succeeding in school. 

The hardest step is always the first — start now with our transformative coaching and mentoring services.

Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and let's begin!


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